Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chapter 25 Terms

1.New World Order- is a global push to unite the nations of the world to have peace
2.Law of the Sea Treaty(LOST)-created an International Seabed Authority
3.Operation Desert Storm-January 16, 17 the U.S. with UN coalition forces began a massive air offensive against Iraq.
4.NAFTA-extended the provisions to include Mexico.
5.Eurpean Union- resulting in a solid economic and monetary intergration.
6.Ethnic cleansing-the expulsion, killing, or imprisonment of a minority group for the purpose of making a geographic area ethnically homogenous.
7.Pan-Africanism-the idea of continental unity was rising above national boundaries.
8.African National Congress-the struggle against Communism in South Africa centered on the activities of the African National Congress.
9.Apartheid- a rigid policy of secregation of the non-white population.
10.World Wide Web-One of the greatest development, it had positive and negative results.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chapter 17 15 important facts

1.George Washington is first President of U.S.
2.Constitutional Convention was signed at Independence Hall in Philadelphia in 1787.
3.Treaty of Paris was signed in Septempber 1783
4.Declaration of Independence was signed in July 4th 1776.
5.U.S. defeated Spain won control of Cuba,Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines.
6.Civil War ended in April 1865.
7. Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
8.13th Amendment to the Constitution which outlawed slaveryin U.S.
9.Abraham Lincoln led the nation to war with the Confederate States.
10.Noah Webster published his "History of the United States."
11.James Polk attempted to avoid open conflict and preserve peace.
12. Alex de Tocpueville one of the most profound thinkers of the Modern Age.
13. A gun shot on April 19, 1775 started the War of Independence
14.Evangelist who rode regular routes were Methodist circuit-riders.
15.The man who was responsible for the nationwide revival was Charles G. Finney.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chapter 17

1. The separatists believed that if you were born in England you must go to the Church of England.
2. History of Plymouth Plantation.; William Bradford.
3. Pilgrims
4. Fled to Leyden; to escape persecution
5. Sir Edwin Sandys
6.Only 35. 66
7. May Flower Compact-Since the Pilgrims are the follower of the Bible they stressed individual civic.
8. John Carver

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Page 215
1.Paper, Sattles, and Harnest.
2.Buddhism,Confucianism,Hinduism,Islam,Shinto,and Taoism;Against God and worshipped idolatry;They had to work out their salvation and fight in spiritual warfare.
3.Because of size and relative isolation.
4.Northwest India and Pakistan. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
5.To under stand the religion of Hinduism.Brahmans,Kshatriyas,Vaisyas,Sudras.
6.Hinduism,Buddhism;to indentify so closely with nature that he loses all consciousness of his individual spirit and will-his personal identity-and becomes one with this universal spirit.
7.Man's righteousness,or self-defense is the perfect peace and happiness.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Magna Carta

The Magna Carta is a historical and ancient rights and privelege of the people back then. The Magna Carta is like rules and priveleges that they were and were not allowed to do. The Magna Carta is a important docement that must be listened and followed always.

Teens now today today have some rules and priveleges like the people then. Teens have rules like curfues when to go to bed and what to do and not to do.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

4.Richard the Lion-Hearted-Third Crusade English King

1.Arabia-a peninsula in SW Asia, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen Arab Republic, People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Kuwait: divided in ancient times into Arabia Deserta, Arabia Petraea, and Arabia Felix.
2.Meccaa- city in and the capital of Hejaz, in W Saudi Arabia: birthplace of Muhammad; spiritual center of Islam.
1.Benduins-Muslim desert dwellers
5. holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims
6.the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah.
7.of or pertaining to the religion, law, or civilization of Islam
8.Koran-the sacred text of Islam, divided into 114 chapters, or suras: revered as the word of God, dictated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel, and accepted as the foundation of Islamic law, religion, culture, and politics.
10.In 732 Islam was defeat in Europe
often Crusade Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.